Emerging Novelist

Okay, so this is a pretty blurry picture of my latest mixed media canvas and you may wonder why I am putting my art on my writing blog. Well this particular piece "Find Your Balance" seems to be the theme for my life right now.

For many years I have flip flopped between writing and art and within each of those creative pursuits there have been additional flips flops between different genres or different techniques and styles. Now my brain seems to be pushing back into writing. So putting my art here today seems to be a bridge between my two creative worlds.

The writing bug has been dogging me for a couple months now. It began with partial retirement in July when I had more time to myself than ever before. And now that I am completely retired and all my time is my own the dream of being a novelist has emerged once again. I've waited years to retire and have my days free to write. To be able to write every day and not have my characters and their stories become foreign to me each time I get back to the page. So now I have no excuses not to write a novel.

Though I won't totally give up art, the majority of my time needs to spent on writing. Having just returned from our writing group's retreat I feel the writing energy rising and hoping it will grab me by the throat and not let go.

I did spend some time last weekend on the retreat re-thinking the novel I've been writing and having some flaws in the story as well as the genre of thriller/suspense in terms of my own writing style I have decided to begin something brand new.

I will create a writing schedule and some timeline goals to get a first draft and outline done. And add future deadlines for revising and submitting what I write. 

Presently I am working out the main story but it will be a romance in the subgenre of women's mainstream fiction. I need to flesh out some characters and an overall story arc and will share some of that here on the blog. I want to blog the creation and progress of this novel as well as my deadlines so I can cement the whole production in my mind as well as into my life.

Here's to novel writers everywhere who inspire me to continue the dream!


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