Here we are at the start of the new year with a rainbow of possibilities strung out in 365 days of awesome.
How will you make 2014 your most awesome year?

I've given up on making resolutions that are forgotten in the fog of real life. I prefer intentions and goal planning. When I create goals for myself I can envision the little stepping stones I need to follow in order to reach that goal. Here are my intentions for 2014:

  • focus on health and wellness and not let the pressures and stress of my job prevent me from doing what I need to do for my physical, mental and spiritual health
  • spend more quality time with friends and family
  • take time to meditate and be still every day
  • do more guided journal writing to enter more deeply into who I am
  • keep my mind set on the goal of writing my memoir and write 3-4 pages a day
  • be a kinder more spiritual woman who lets stress roll off her back and not strangle her
I wish my family, friends, and my dear readers a healthy and awesome 2014.


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