Life Book Project 2018

One month of the year is gone already, but I feel a bit accomplished for a change. Usually by now I have successfully abandoned my goals and dreams before the first of February. One of my goals for 2018 was to sign up for the Life Book Project. This is a year long series of weekly art and self development lessons presented by Tamara LaPorte. You can find information at her website

Tam is a wonderful teacher and a compassionate supporter of artists and guide in self-compassionate growth. Her lessons are detailed with explanations that make it easy for an immature artist like me to follow. She has also gathered a cadre of art teachers who also present lessons in Life Book 2018. Here is my first wobbly attempt at the first lesson.

It was a challenge but I have given myself the task of pushing my artistic boundaries this year. My drawings are childish and my painting is unpolished, but for me it's about learning about the fun of the process. I know there will be classes during this year that work in mediums like clay or encaustic or fabric that are beyond my interests but even watching those videos is instructive and inspiring.

I encourage artists of all levels to try out this course. I also encourage those of you who don't believe you have artistic talent to stretch your wings. At the very least check out Tam's website. She offers some free and inexpensive online classes that will let you experiment with a gentle and encouraging guide.

Here are a few more of my meager attempts at art in this class.


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