More success

Did you ever feel like life was handing out all its joy to you and you alone? That's how I've been feeling. So I have a new car and a new computer. I am married to a wonderful man who adores me and I have a good job, despite the fact that my license plate says, "I'd rather be writing." Who could ask for more? I have more though. Besides cooking and laundry my husband works hard to pave the path for me to get to my writing and it is beginning to pay off.

In the past year I have published two more short stories and a poem. I now have 30% of the stories in my short story collection published and that means I can legitimately submit queries to agents and publishers. I am in the process of refining my query letter with the help of my writng group, Tapestries and Melanie Faith, a teacher I have taken several online classes with. I hope to be sending that query out this week and waiting for responses. It's a long wait, I know, and I want to fill that time with more revisions and more writing.

It's September, summer is winding its way out and school begins next week. I will be busy at work but I also want to establish a solid writing routine. It means more focused writing in the morning before work and skipping my fave television shows at night-- Jeopardy and Seinfeld re-runs.

And, oh, a quick aside, I made lifetime at Weight Watchers this week as well.

Life is good, really good.


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