Proud to say my new book is out. "Looking through Windows" is a collection of short stories about women and children in dire situations who come out better and stronger in the end. These women have to make some tough decisions and in some cases are still in the process of deciding at the end of these brief stories.

I've posted before about attempting to write novels and memoirs, but as a poet I love the intensity of writing short and the feeling of accomplishment at finishing something in a few days as opposed to a few years. I also like the idea that I can "get away with" poetic prose, masses of metaphors, scintillating similies and visual imagery when writing flash fiction. One of the enduring comments I hear when my novels are being critiqued is that I use too many of these poetic devices, so now, in short stories and prose poems, I can employ my poetic voice and not worry about overdoing.

Sure I still have to revise and edit, cut words and scenes to the barest of bones in order to have impact stories that come in under the word limits, but at least I can be myself in my writing.

Hoping to share more about my writing journey on this blog. Have to get back to my focus on writing. 

In the meantime go to and order the book so you can see for yourself what I'm talking about. And more to come very soon about a book signing for the new book on July 20!!!!!


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